ARC Insulation Blog

Visit our blog for more information and the latest updates on how insulation can impact your home for the better in the Chicagoland area. Do you have questions about the different types of insulation? Are you trying to determine which areas of your home need attention? On the ARC Insulation blog, you’ll find some great information about how proper home insulation can impact you for the better in the Naperville, Illinois area. Take a look and let us know what you think!

Do You Need Insulation Services at Your Commercial Business?

Do You Need Insulation Services at Your Commercial Business?

Just like a residential property, a commercial business should always be well insulated for many reasons. Not only does insulation protect the energy efficiency of the entire building, but different insulation materials also provide added safety and security. If you own a commercial business,...
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Regulate That Room Over the Garage with Insulation Services

Regulate That Room Over the Garage with Insulation Services

Whether you have a small apartment situated over your garage or you use the space for storage, this area is easily one that’s difficult to regulate. Whether it’s too hot in the summer or freezing in the winter, making sure your belongings or your tenant remains comfortable can boil down to one...
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Insulation Replacement: The Fastest ROI Around! [infographic]

Insulation Replacement: The Fastest ROI Around! [infographic]

When you are making an improvement to your home, one of the things you consider is your return on investment (ROI). Some options boost your resale value significantly but if you are years from selling your home, you may be more interested in a more immediate ROI advantage. That is where insulation...
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Insulation Replacement: Will It Keep Me Cool This Summer?

Insulation Replacement: Will It Keep Me Cool This Summer?

No one likes to have their thermostat cranked up to the highest setting only to find that they still can’t keep their home cool. Not only is it a waste of energy, but you’ll just end up paying for it each month on your utility bill as well. If you know that your home has insulation, but you aren’t...
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Asking Your Insulation Company the Right Questions About Temperature

Asking Your Insulation Company the Right Questions About Temperature

If you have any kind of temperature disparity from the lower to the upper floors in your home, you may be wondering if it’s an issue with your HVAC or your insulation. While having your HVAC system checked is always a good step, asking your insulation company about temperature disparities can also...
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Does Attic Insulation Help Cool My Home In Summer?

Does Attic Insulation Help Cool My Home In Summer?

When you think of home insulation, your attic may not be the first place that comes to mind. What’s important to remember, however, is that your attic is one of the most important parts of your home in terms of ventilation and air circulation. As such, having great attic insulation is critical to...
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Top Reasons to Have an Insulation Company Handle Your Insulation Project

Top Reasons to Have an Insulation Company Handle Your Insulation Project

There are some projects that are ideal for a DIY homeowner because they reduce cost with very little risk involved. Others can pose significant risk and should always be left to professionals. Insulating your new home or upgrading the insulation of an existing one isn’t without its tricky aspects,...
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Choosing Insulation Services When Your Air Conditioner Can’t Keep Up

Choosing Insulation Services When Your Air Conditioner Can’t Keep Up

Have you been pondering why your air conditioning system seems to work overtime, but you still can’t keep your home as cool as you would like? If you’ve called the air conditioning company out several times, or even replaced your unit, only to find yourself in the same predicament – unfortunately...
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Myths Insulation Contractors Want to Debunk

Myths Insulation Contractors Want to Debunk

Did you take a class in school about home maintenance? Probably not since they focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic, right? So, how did you learn about such things as insulation? Probably from listening to others who also didn’t have a class to get reliable information from. It isn’t...
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