ARC Insulation Blog

Visit our blog for more information and the latest updates on how insulation can impact your home for the better in the Chicagoland area. Do you have questions about the different types of insulation? Are you trying to determine which areas of your home need attention? On the ARC Insulation blog, you’ll find some great information about how proper home insulation can impact you for the better in the Naperville, Illinois area. Take a look and let us know what you think!

Questions to Ask During an Energy Important Audit

Questions to Ask During an Energy Important Audit

While the term “audit” or “auditor” aren’t always met with the greatest of affections, an energy audit is a type of audit that people actually request to have done! An energy audit is an audit designed to save you money, not force you to go over income statements and deductions. If you are looking...
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3 Qualities to Seek in Insulation Contractors

3 Qualities to Seek in Insulation Contractors

Looking for contractors of any kind is a challenging process. You want them to be trustworthy and not take advantage of you while also doing a good job on their task. If you are tired of paying high HVAC bills while still being chilly in the winter and hot in the summer, you need a great...
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Why You Need Professional Insulation Removal

Why You Need Professional Insulation Removal

At ARC Insulation, we are always trying to help people add insulation to their homes to make them more energy efficient, so why would we turn around and also advocate for professional insulation removal? When insulation is damaged by flooding or other debris, it needs to be properly removed and...
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Is Garage Insulation Worth the Cost?

Is Garage Insulation Worth the Cost?

Often used as a multi-purpose space for things like your cars, storage, and the occasional crafting project or two, a garage is a place that needs to be many things for many people, sometimes all at once. While we might work and store a lot in our garages, many of us don’t think about the time or...
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Does House Insulation Help in the Summer?

Does House Insulation Help in the Summer?

The summer months are often filled with warm memories, and often many memories of the literal warmth and heat of this season! Summertime can be hot, and running your AC constantly but still being too warm is no way to enjoy this season of longer days and warmer nights. While many of us understand...
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Will Insulation Help Make My Home Cooler?

Will Insulation Help Make My Home Cooler?

Keeping a home warm in the winter and cool in the summer is something we all want in order to stay comfortable. While you know that insulation is great for keeping your home warmer in those colder months, many people hesitate to insulate their home because they are concerned it might turn their...
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Will Air Sealing Make My Second Floor Warmer?

Will Air Sealing Make My Second Floor Warmer?

A house is more than just a structure; it’s a place we call home! Home is a place where you should feel comfortable, both physically and emotionally, so why is it so hard to regulate the temperature in our homes? The answer is actually fairly simple: poor or inadequate insulation. When you have...
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3 Energy Savings Myths to Watch Out For

3 Energy Savings Myths to Watch Out For

Many of us would like to be able to save a little (or a lot) of money here and there, especially on our utilities. While we might start our search by going to the internet looking for energy savings, what we really can end up with is a lot of myths and contradictory evidence. When looking for real...
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