ARC Insulation Blog

Visit our blog for more information and the latest updates on how insulation can impact your home for the better in the Chicagoland area. Do you have questions about the different types of insulation? Are you trying to determine which areas of your home need attention? On the ARC Insulation blog, you’ll find some great information about how proper home insulation can impact you for the better in the Naperville, Illinois area. Take a look and let us know what you think!

Key Signs You Need Insulation Replacement

Key Signs You Need Insulation Replacement

It can be difficult for homeowners to determine if they need their insulation replaced. It’s especially difficult because you can’t always see the insulation. So, how do you determine when it is time to replace or even install insulation where there hasn’t been any installed. Below we have given...
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What to Look for in an Insulation Company

What to Look for in an Insulation Company

There are many companies that claim to offer insulation services. So, how can you be sure that you are getting the best insulation company? Below are several things to look for in an insulation company. By looking for these things in the company you hire, you will help to ensure that you are...
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Benefits of Garage Insulation

Benefits of Garage Insulation

Sometimes there are building codes for attached garages and required R-value ratings. But there are often no requirements for detached garages. Just because insulation isn’t required in a garage doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit immensely from garage insulation. Below we will discuss some of the...
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Benefits of Basement Insulation

Benefits of Basement Insulation

Basement insulation isn’t always installed in every home, but when it is, it is extremely beneficial to the homeowners. There are many wonderful benefits of basement insulation. Once you have your basement insulated, you will be wondering why you took so long to have it done. Below are some of the...
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Benefits of Attic Insulation

Benefits of Attic Insulation

Your attic is an incredibly important part of your home. Many homeowners don’t think often about their attic and if it is functioning to the best of its ability. Here at ARC Insulation, we want you to put some time and thought into how your attic is working for you, or maybe not working for you....
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When to Get a Mold Inspection

When to Get a Mold Inspection

As a homeowner, there are many things to be cautious of, and mold should be near the top of that list. Mold can cause serious damage to your home if not addressed immediately. Because of this, it is important to conduct a mold inspection regularly, especially when you suspect mold. Here are some...
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Benefits of Air Sealing Your Attic

Benefits of Air Sealing Your Attic

If you’re looking into finding ways to improve your home, air sealing your attic is a great option. So, what is air sealing? Air sealing is minimizing the space between your conditioned and unconditioned areas in your home. Air is constantly coming into your house one way or another, and when you...
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5 Signs You Need Insulation Replacement in Your Home

5 Signs You Need Insulation Replacement in Your Home

It can be hard to tell if you need your insulation replaced. If your insulation is not living up to its purpose, it could be damaged or infested, causing it to not work properly. Here are five signs that you are in need of insulation replacement in your home: 1.   Wet Insulation – If your...
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Types of Garage Insulation

Types of Garage Insulation

If you’re planning on heating your garage, it’s time to start thinking about garage insulation as well as the insulation for your garage door. You have a few options to choose from, and our team at ARC Insulation is prepared to guide you through those options. Rigid Foam Insulation – Rigid foam...
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5 Signs You Need Basement Mold Removal

5 Signs You Need Basement Mold Removal

The basement is one of the most common areas for mold to occur in your home. This is because a basement receives very little natural light and ventilation, making the area humid. Because of this, when something in the basement gets wet or receives water damage, it often takes a long time to dry...
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