Why You Should Care About Weatherization

Why You Should Care About Weatherization

What is weatherization? Weatherization involves adding insulation and performing other measures throughout your house to help with energy savings and protect your home from the elements. Weatherization can help protect your home in every season, not just the cold ones. If you haven’t weatherized your home, here are a few important reasons why you should.

  • Save Money- If your energy bill is high, weatherizing your home can help reduce it. By insulating and sealing key areas in your home, like your attic, floors, air ducts, and more, you can seal off any air leaks and reduce your energy usage. By reducing the air leaks in your home, your energy bill will start to drop.
  • Improve Air Quality- Exterior contaminants can work their way into your home through air leaks and poorly insulated areas. These contaminants can make your indoor air quality decline and can eventually lead to health problems. Poor air quality is especially harmful to people with asthma and allergies. Weatherization can help eliminate exterior contaminants and improve your home’s air quality by sealing off air leaks and adding extra insulation to those poorly insulated areas of your home.
  • Wear and Tear on Your Appliances- When air escapes your home easily, your heating and cooling systems have to work overtime to keep your home’s temperature stable. This can really wear down your heating and cooling systems and make them breakdown quicker. This will lead to costly repairs and possibly replacement. Weatherization can help keep air from escaping and reduce your heating and cooling systems’ workload.

As you can see, weatherization is an important part of keeping your home protected and energy efficient. If your home needs to be weatherized, call us today at ARC Insulation and we will get the job done right.