5 Signs You Need Basement Mold Removal

The basement is one of the most common areas for mold to occur in your home. This is because a basement receives very little natural light and ventilation, making the area humid. Because of this, when something in the basement gets wet or receives water damage, it often takes a long time to dry out, leaving time for mold to occur. Here are five signs to guide you if you are questioning whether you need basement mold removal.

you are in need of basement mold removal

  1. Smell – One of the most obvious signs of mold in your basement is the smell. Because of the poor ventilation in a basement, odors are typically very noticeable and can build up. If you notice a musty smell in your basement, there is a good chance you are in need of basement mold removal.
  2. Color – If you see discoloration on the floors or walls of your basement, you probably need basement mold removal. Mold is often seen as black specs on the surface. However, depending on the type of mold, mold could appear in many different colors.
  3. Leaks – If you have experienced leaks in your basement, there is a good chance mold has begun to grow in your basement and you need basement mold removal. Moisture content is high in basements, leaving your basement vulnerable for mold.
  4. Allergies – Mold can often times flare up one’s allergies. If you’re randomly experiencing allergy symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, congestion, etc., you may want to have a mold inspection conducted to see if you are in need of basement mold removal.
  5. Peeling Wallpaper – If you happen to have wallpaper in your basement and you see that it is peeling up, you may have mold within your basement. This is a sign that there is moisture present within your walls, which can then be prone to mold.

Our team at ARC Insulation hopes these signs help you determine if you are in need of basement mold removal. It is important to contact a professional if you notice any of these signs within your basement or home. If you have any questions regarding basement mold removal, please contact us at ARC Insulation.